When fitting just two tyres


When fitting just two new tyres, it is best to have them fitted to the rear axle. This is the advice from leading tyre brands. Watch the video below to understand the reasons. Ideally, fit a full set of 4 new tyres to your vehicle.

Tyre Fitment Recommendations

To ensure the safety of your passengers, other motorists and yourself, major leading producers strongly endorse replacing all four tyres at the same time, when the occasion arrives to substitute worn tyres on your vehicle.

If for whatever reason this is not possible and you are forced to replace only two tyres, for safety reasons JAX notes that leading global manufacturers recommend the installation of the new tyreson the rear axle of the vehicle, irrespective of whether your vehicle is front or rear wheel drive.

New tyres will change the handling performance of the vehicle and when fitted to the front with worn tyres on the rear, during damp & wet conditions they could induce oversteer, either when straight line braking and/or cornering. Oversteer is best described as the rear of the vehicle breaking loose unexpectedly. For the majority of drivers, oversteer is an almost impossible driving manoeuvre to correct and could greatly compromise the safety of you and other road users.

It is not recommended either to mix the tread patterns across the same axle or to install a new tyre on one side of the axle with a worn tyre on the opposite side.

Can I replace only 2 tyres?

While ideally, you should always fit four new tyres simultaneously, you may replace two tyres on the same axle. If the two tyres have different wear, they may grip differently on road surfaces leading to a loss of control. This is often most noticeable during braking or cornering. For this reason, always aim to replace your tyres with matching brands and tread patterns.

Some of the benefits of buying in pairs are:

  • Equal tread wear: Buying brand new tyres in pairs means you'll have similar treads on both sides. This is especially important in wet or slick conditions where your vehicle's ability to grip the road properly matters most.
  • Maintain performance and efficiency: Having the same tyres on the same axle will make for a smoother ride and reduce the wear and tear of your suspension.
  • Balance and stability: Having uneven tyres on one of your axles causes an instant imbalance that can lead to variable steering, and you may struggle to keep control.

It’s best to avoid replacing only one tyre as this could drastically affect your acceleration, braking and cornering abilities. In addition, replacing only one tyre can create problems with the electronic and mechanical systems that replacing two tyres wouldn't.

Should new tyres be placed on the front or the back of my car?

Should new tyres be placed on the front or the back of my car?

If you are planning to replace your tyres in pairs, and they are the same size as the tyres already on your vehicle, it’s recommended you install the two new tyres on the rear axle and the partially worn tyres moved to the front.

Driving with new tyres on the rear axle can help vehicles maintain control on wet roads and prevent oversteering. This is because the tyres with deeper treads are more likely to resist hydroplaning.

If worn tyres are placed on the rear axle, and a slide occurs due to oversteering, it's near impossible to recover from for the majority of drivers. On the other hand, you can often gain back control if you accidentally slide from understeering (which occurs when the front tyres have less tread).

Do you need the same tyres for the front and back of my car?

Unless recommended by your vehicle manufacturer, differing the tyres for the front and back of your car can have adverse effects on your vehicle's stability, handling and general performance. We recommend having all your tyres the same size, construction, and speed rating for the best all-around performance.

That said, you can theoretically have different tyres for the front and back of your car. However, the same size, type and speed rating need to be on the same axle. If in doubt, always seek advice from a trained tyre specialist.

Unsure of what tyres suit your needs best? Speak to your local JAX Tyres & Auto to find the best tyres for your unique specifications.

Should I replace all 4 car tyres at once?

Ideally, you should always fit four new tyres simultaneously for better handling, comfort and performance. This ensures that they all wear evenly and, therefore, better ensure the safety of you and your passengers. When you replace all four tyres at the same time, you benefit from:

  • Optimum vehicle handling: A car with four tires is balanced and predictable whether you are accelerating, braking or concerning. If any factors such as tread depth are different, traction characteristics can vary, and performance will be unbalanced.
  • Road traction: Hydroplaning can occur when driving on wet roads. Having different car tyres means that some tyres will have less contact on the road than others leading to less traction and increased risk of aquaplaning. If water can't flow from under a tyre's tread pattern, it can lift the tread until it loses contact with the road.
  • Safer: If your tyres differ, the reduced diameter of the lower-tread tires causes them to spin faster than the new ones. Wheels moving at different speeds will put additional strain on electrical engine components (such as the transmission, transfer case and anti-lock system), which could put you and your passengers at risk.

However, if this is not possible, replacing only two tyres is an option. If you are unsure what your vehicle requires, chat to your local JAX Tyres & Auto, and we can advise you on the best course of action to ensure your safety.

Should I replace all 4 tyres on a 4WD?

On 4WD vehicles, you will likely need to change all four tyres, even if only one tyre needs changing.

With 4WDs, failing to replace all four tyres simultaneously can be harmful to your vehicle's drive-train. Your car will have a specialized drive-train that contains technical gear, drive shafts and differentials that are meticulously put together. These components allow each of your tyres to move at different speeds individually. This feature is a necessity when getting out of muddy or slippery environments.

For this system to work correctly, all tyres need to have the same tread pattern, depth and the same tyre manufacturer. If these differ, the differentials will work all the time, which will cause unnecessary wear on the drive live components.

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