January 29, 2020 |
CDP Confirms Pirelli to be a Leader In The Fight Against Climate Change
For the second year in a row Pirelli & C. S.p.A. has been confirmed as a global leader in the fight against climate change, earning a place in the Climate A list prepared by the CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project), the international non-profit organisation, which gathers, distributes and promotes information on environmental issues.
The “A” rating, which is given to only a few companies of the thousands participating, is the highest score that a company can receive. It takes into consideration the effectiveness of the efforts made to reduce emissions and climate risks, and to develop a low carbon emission economy, as well as the completeness and transparency of information provided, and the adoption of the best practices associated with climate impact.

CDP, whose goal is to guide companies and governments to reduce hothouse gas emissions and protect water resources and forests, gathers data related to environmental impacts, risks and opportunities, for an independent evaluation with regards to the methodology with which the scores are calculated.
In 2019, over 525 investors, with assets of over 96 trillion dollars, and 125 large-scale buyers, with a buying power of 3.6 trillion dollars, called on companies to share these data through the CDP platform and over 8,400 companies responded.
The recognition from CDP confirms Pirelli’s constant commitment to questions of Sustainability, an area in which the company already boasts a number of achievements. They include world leadership in the Automobiles & Components sector on the Dow Jones World and European indices obtained in 2019, the "Gold Class distinction" in RobecoSAM’s 2019 Yearbook and inclusion, also in 2019, among the companies of the United Nations’ Global Compact Lead.
Source: Pirelli
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